Welcome to the future of healthcare: DAX™ Copilot, your automated clinical companion.


What is DAX™ Copilot?

DAX Copilot is an AI-powered voice-enabled solution that automatically documents care and combines proven conversational and ambient AI with the most advanced generative AI.

DAX Copilot is the newest addition to the Nuance® Dragon® platform. It is an AI-powered voice-enabled solution that records patient-clinician encounter conversations via the PowerMic mobile app, automatically converts the conversation into medical documentation, and delivers fully automated AI notes.

DAX Copilot enables physicians to do more with less, improving clinical efficiency and overall patient satisfaction. DAX Copilot transforms healthcare by automating medical documentation, freeing clinicians of this time-consuming but necessary administrative task. DAX Copilot delivers tangible benefits to healthcare organizations of all sizes.

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How does DAX Copilot work?

DAX Copilot is accessed through the PowerMic mobile app, which allows you to dictate into Dragon® Medical One from anywhere. Users must click the DAX Copilot button to be brought to the new DAX Copilot page. This is where physicians start their patient encounters or view previous encounter recordings.

DAX Copilot automatically converts encounter conversations into clinical summaries tailored to each specialty that adhere to established documentation standards, reducing the burden of compliance expertise and enabling appropriate coding.

Why use DAX Copilot?

With real-time, context-aware AI assistance, DAX Copilot ensures accurate and complete patient records while reducing administrative burdens. The seamless integration with Electronic Health Record systems and its ability to adapt to individual preferences make it a user-friendly tool that enhances the overall healthcare experience.

By opting for DAX Copilot, healthcare providers prioritize patient care over paperwork, improve documentation accuracy, and combat clinician burnout, ultimately redefining how healthcare is delivered and documented.

Want to learn more? Contact us for more information.