Dictation Solutions For Legal Practitioners.

Provide the solution your legal clients need by offering the best portable handheld digital recorders.

Olympus Legal Dictation Software for Lawyers | eDist


As a reseller of Olympus Dictation Products, you can streamline the workflow for legal practices of all sizes.

Legal professionals are constantly busy and on-the-go, which means they’re always looking for ways to save time, be more efficient and maximize their productivity. One of the most cost-effective ways to streamline your workflow and save time and money is to use Olympus legal dictation software for lawyers.

Advances in digital technology within the dictation and transcription process have transformed how law firms process recorded information. Portable handheld recording devices allow attorneys to dictate-on-the-go, and Olympus legal dictation software can automatically route recordings into a firm's workflow, either to a transcriptionist, directly into speech recognition software, or a combination of both. This provides attorneys with a secure, reliable, and flexible way to provide the best client service.

Keep reading to learn more about how legal professionals can save money and be more efficient with Olympus legal dictation solutions.

What is Legal Dictation?

Legal dictation is the process of talking into a recording device. You can then transcribe the audio file yourself or employ a transcriptionist to do it for you.

Legal transcription simply means that the audio file is typed into a document or it appears on-screen via a speech-to-text software.

Why Do Lawyers Dictate?

Using Olympus legal dictation software can save legal professionals hours of time because they won’t be tied to a computer typing up notes and documents, and they won’t have to remember to send the audio recording to the transcriptionist themselves. Olympus legal dictation software can automatically send the file to your assistant, which not only saves legal professionals a crucial step, but also gives them more peace of mind.

Legal dictation equipment can also be easier and more convenient. Capturing your thoughts and notes by speaking them out loud, while they’re still fresh in your mind after an important case, trial or briefing, can be very beneficial.

You’ll get more details, things will still be fresh so you’re less likely to forget something, and you can use the time you’d normally spend typing up your notes for something else.

How Do You Do Dictation with Olympus?

Lawyers dictate to save time and increase their billable hours. If you’ve just gotten out of court, why not dictate your notes while they’re still fresh in your mind? You can also dictate an argument you’re planning on presenting in court and brainstorm ideas for your next case.

When you’re done, you can use Olympus Dictation Management System software (ODMS) to send the audio file directly to your computer. Dictating long documents may seem tedious at first, but it’s easy to get used to. And you’ll be amazed at how much time it saves you.

The trick is to take a minute and structure your thoughts, so you have more clarity when you begin dictating your document. Each part should flow and link to the next.

Lawyers also dictate to save time. If you ask any lawyer what they wish they had more of, the answer will almost always be: time. If you didn’t have to transcribe your notes or wait for your transcriptionist to transcribe them for you, you could do things like send important emails, network, call clients, do research, and more. Olympus legal dictation software for lawyers is one of the most reliable and flexible solutions on the market.

How Do You Master Legal Dictation?

Dictating has been a choice for decades, but now there are more cloud-based, high-level dictation options. This means no more passing tapes back and forth; nervous you’re going to lose one in the shuffle, or one is going to wear out.

And if you’re transcribing them yourself, you’ll have to keep track of the tapes, and which order they go in. The same goes for your transcriptionist if that’s part of your workflow.

Portable handheld recording devices let attorneys dictate on the go, and Olympus ODMS software routes recordings into the firm’s workflow, to a transcriptionist, into the speech recognition software, or a combination of both.

In addition to helping save legal professionals time and money, Olympus legal dictation software for lawyers is secure and your audio files will be protected. You’ll also never have to worry about losing tapes again.

You may have been considering updating for a while, but you don’t know where to start. Olympus professional dictation solutions are the best options for providing the ultimate client service.

Proper Techniques When Taking Legal Dictation and Transcription

Learning the workflow of dictation and transcription software is easy to get the hang of and it’s something you’ll be using frequently, and once you feel comfortable, you’ll wonder how you went so long without it.

Here are some proper techniques when doing legal dictation and transcription:

Include punctuation

Make sure you let your Olympus legal dictation software for lawyers know when you want to add punctuation because it will become tedious to add it later, especially if you’re dictating a large document. Telling the software about punctuation won’t mess up your flow or alter the dictation audio. It helps the software capture the appropriate tone and feel of the document. It also adds structure to your writing.

Be specific and concise

Even if you’re not planning on incorporating a transcriptionist into your workflow, you’ll want to be as detailed as possible. Make sure you capture everything in the recording. You can edit out anything you think is unnecessary later.

It’s also a good idea to be specific about the styling and formatting of the document and dictate things like a new paragraph, bullet points, or a numbered list, for example. For some beginners, this can seem clumsy or come across as unnatural when they first begin dictating, but, trust us, it’ll be easier than having one giant block of text to format later.


Getting used to the flow of audio dictation can take some practice. If you’re dictating complicated sections of the document and it’s impacting your train of thought, it’s ok to put in a placeholder and come back to it later. Dictating is a tool designed to save time. You may also develop your own unique dictation workflow that works best for you.

How to Become an Olympus Reseller for the Legal Industry

As a reseller of Olympus legal dictation software for lawyers, we can help legal practices streamline their workflow, save time and money, increase billable hours and be more productive. If that sounds like something you’d like to learn more about, let us know.

When you partner with eDist, you’ll have access to some of the best resources in the industry. This includes the full power and strength of industry leaders behind you, training, help with marketing and White Label technical support. It’s easy to get started. You’ll be realizing success in no time. Let us know if you have any questions or if you’d like to start becoming an Olympus reseller today.

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